• http://www.autopumpkin.com Autopumpkin.com

    goog topic. and thanks so much

  • http://www.buildingsocialproof.com/ Bryan Fleming

    Awesome glad you liked it

  • http://disambiguator.com Michael Wilkes


    Thanks for this summary of how to target a specific page. You mentioned that it’s a priority to convert visitors into email addresses.

    Can you clarify the steps you use to get from the FB pixel to an actual email address? I am a new retailer and just wading into the plumbing of FB ads.

    Thanks again!


  • http://www.buildingsocialproof.com/ Bryan Fleming

    Yes…. You need to send them to a page that has a form they can put their email in. When they put in their email they are added to the list (look at buildingsocialproof.com homepage for an example). Good service to do this easily is LeadPages.net…. Hope this helps.